
Friday, June 17, 2011

Farewell Night!

What a great night it was on Tuesday! I want to thank all the women who came out to say farewell and wish me all the best in my new appointment in London, Ontario.  Here we are in the picture (missing in action - Benita, who left a bit early) we all squeezed in and spread out the lovely gift the women made for me.  I'm not sure who all was in on the knitting, but some of them knit squares and Benita put it all together for me. This lovely pattern is found in Berroco's book, Comfort: Knitting & Crochet Afghans and it is so lovely and soft. I love Berroco's Comfort Yarns, and for those like me, allergic to sheep wool, it's the perfect yarn!

I'm so going to miss all my yarn girls!  I've been running the Tuesday night drop in for eight years now, we started in the fall of 2003, right after the shop opened.  I've lost count of the number of people I've taught how to cast on and off! Every week on Tuesday nights I show up at the shop and over the years our numbers have gone up and down according to the season and if it's time to get your gardening done!  But the last few years there have been a consistent number of women who've attended and a few years ago we started going through the summer as well.  Each and every night I've gone, I've been so blessed. I've formed relationships with so many women, and I love each one of them! They are all special. Even though I won't be there physically, I plan to be there at least virtually! This fall I'll be skyping in from London!

If you haven't yet tried out the Tuesday night drop in, I want to encourage you to do so. You'll find a warm and inviting group of women who are all ready and willing to let you into their hearts!  After a while, you won't know what you ever did without them. Together we share a laugh, unburden our stresses, talk about our families, gripe about our problems, pray for each other when we're ill, rejoice with each other in our successes. Have I convinced you yet???

Anyway, thank you girls for your lovely gift, the lovely night and all the years of Tuesday nights that have brightened my life!

Happy Knitting!
